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📖 Citations

If our work is useful to your research, please consider citing our work by referencing the following research papers for the 3DCoMPaT and 3DCoMPaT++ datasets:


@inproceedings {slim_3dcompatplus_2023,
    title={{3DCoMPaT++}: An improved Large-scale 3D Vision Dataset
    for Compositional Recognition},
    author={ Habib Slim and Xiang Li and Yuchen Li,
    Mahmoud Ahmed and Mohamed Ayman and Ujjwal Upadhyay
    Ahmed Abdelreheem and Arpit Prajapati,
    Suhail Pothigara and Peter Wonka and Mohamed Elhoseiny },

3DCoMPaT v1:

@inproceedings {li20223d_compat,
	title={{3DCoMPaT}: Composition of Materials on Parts of 3D Things},
	author={Yuchen Li, Ujjwal Upadhyay, Habib Slim,
	Ahmed Abdelreheem, Arpit Prajapati,
	Suhail Pothigara, Peter Wonka, Mohamed Elhoseiny},
	booktitle={17th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},